Heat-related health alterations are easily preventable, so it's important to educate individuals about the various factors that cause them. This information is especially vital for athletes, laborers, and soldiers in field training. Be sure to follow these guidelines when performing patient teaching:
- Advise patients to take these precautions in hot weather: Rest frequently; avoid hot places; drink adequate fluids; and wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing.
- Advise patients with obesity and those who are older or taking medications that impair heat regulation to avoid overheating.
- Tell patients who have had heat cramps or heat exhaustion to increase their dietary salt and water intake (although not to take salt tablets). They should also refrain from exercising until signs and symptoms resolve and resume exercises gradually, making sure to drink plenty of electrolyte-containing fluids. Advise them to take precautions to prevent overheating.
- Warn patients with heatstroke that residual hypersensitivity to high temperatures may persist for several months.
- Teach parents how to take steps to prevent young children and infants from overheating in hot weather.