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Box 16-4

Although gallstones and alcohol consumption are the most common causes of acute pancreatitis, many factors can lead to the disorder. Here's a list of possible causes.

  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
  • Medication use (e.g., azathioprine [Imuran], didanosine [Videx], estrogens, furosemide [Lasix], pentamidine [Pentam 300], sulfonamides, tetracycline, valproic acid [Depakene])
  • Abdominal trauma
  • Other (infection, hereditary pancreatitis, hypercalcemia, developmental abnormalities of the pancreas, hypertriglyceridemia, tumors, toxins, surgical procedures, vascular abnormalities, autoimmune pancreatitis, recent operative or other invasive procedures, previous biliary colic)