Stomach(PostNeoadjuvant Pathological) - TNM Calc
Primary Tumor (T)
Regional Lymph Nodes (N)
Distant Metastasis (M)
R e s u l t s
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Stomach(PostNeoadjuvant Pathological) - TNM Calc

This view displays the TNM formula. Please select appropriate value from the list for T/N/M variables. The result will be displayed, based on your selection of variables.

Neoadjuvant Pathological T (yT)

ypT Category ypT Criteria
ypTX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
ypT0 No evidence of primary tumor
ypTis Carcinoma in situ: intraepithelial tumor without invasion of the lamina propria, high-grade dysplasia
ypT1 Tumor invades the lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, or submucosa
ypT1a Tumor invades the lamina propria or muscularis mucosae
ypT1b Tumor invades the submucosa
ypT2 Tumor invades the muscularis propria
ypT3Tumor penetrates the subserosal connective tissue without invasion of the visceral peritoneum or adjacent structures
ypT4Tumor invades the serosa (visceral peritoneum) or adjacent structures
ypT4a Tumor invades the serosa (visceral peritoneum)
ypT4bTumor invades adjacent structures/organs

A tumor may penetrate the muscularis propria with extension into the gastrocolic or gastrohepatic ligaments, or into the greater or lesser omentum, without perforation of the visceral peritoneum covering these structures. In this case, the tumor is classified as T3. If there is perforation of the visceral peritoneum covering the gastric ligaments or the omentum, the tumor should be classified as T4.

The adjacent structures of the stomach include the spleen, transverse colon, liver, diaphragm, pancreas, abdominal wall, adrenal gland , kidney, small intestine, and retroperitoneum.

Intramural extension to the duodenum or esophagus is not considered invasion of an adjacent structure, but is classified using the depth of the greatest invasion in any of these sites.

Neoadjuvant Pathological N (pY)
ypN Category ypN Criteria
ypNX Regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed
ypN0 No regional lymph node metastasis
ypN1 Metastasis in one or two regional lymph nodes
ypN2 Metastasis in three to six regional lymph nodes
ypN3 Metastasis in seven or more regional lymph nodes
ypN3a Metastasis in seven to 15 regional lymph nodes
ypN3b Metastasis in 16 or more regional lymph nodes

Definition of Distant Metastasis (M)- Neoadjuvant Pathological M (pY)

ypM Category ypM Criteria
cM0 No distant metastasis
cM1 Distant metastasis
pM1 Microscopic evidence of distant metastasis