Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is an irritant gas that liquefies at 19.5°C; in an aqueous solution, it produces hydrofluoric acid. HF gas is used in chemical manufacturing. In addition, it may be released from fluorosilicates, fluorocarbons, or polyfluorotetraethylene (PTFE, Teflon) when heated to over 350°C. Hydrofluoric acid is widely used as a rust remover, in glass etching, and in the manufacture of silicon semiconductor chips. Hydrofluoric acid events at the workplace were shown to be two times more likely to involve injuries compared with other acids. Poisoning usually occurs after dermal exposure, usually on the hands, although ingestions and inhalational exposure occasionally occur. There has been one case report of chemical colitis due to a hydrofluoric acid enema. Similar toxicity may result from exposure to ammonium bifluoride and sodium fluoride.
HF is a dermal and respiratory irritant. Hydrofluoric acid is a relatively weak acid (the dissociation constant is about 1,000 times less than that of hydrochloric acid), and toxic effects result primarily from the highly reactive fluoride ion.
- HF is able to penetrate tissues deeply before dissociating into hydrogen and fluoride ions. The highly cytotoxic fluoride ion is released and cellular destruction occurs.
- Fluoride ion binds strongly to calcium and magnesium, resulting in their systemic depletion. This may cause systemic hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and local bone demineralization.
Toxicity depends on the air concentrations and duration of exposure to HF gas or the concentration and extent of exposure to aqueous HF solutions.
- HF gas. The recommended workplace ceiling limit (ACGIH TLV-C) for HF gas is 3 ppm (2.5 mg/m3) and 30 ppm is considered immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH). A 5-minute exposure to air concentrations of 50-250 ppm is likely to be lethal.
- Aqueous HF solutions. Solutions of 50-70% are highly toxic and produce immediate pain. Concomitant inhalational exposure may occur with exposure to higher concentrations caused by the release of HF gas. Intermediate concentrations (20-40%) may cause little pain initially but result in deep injury after a delay of 1-8 hours. Weak solutions (5-15%) cause almost no pain on contact but may cause serious delayed injury after 12-24 hours. Most household products containing aqueous HF contain 5-8% or less.
Symptoms and signs depend on the type of exposure (gas or liquid), concentration, duration, and extent of exposure.
- Inhalation of HF gas produces ocular and nasopharyngeal irritation, coughing, and bronchospasm. After a delay of up to several hours, chemical pneumonitis and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema may occur. Corneal injury may result following ocular exposure.
- Skin exposure. After acute exposure to weak (5-15%) or intermediate (20-40%) solutions, there may be no symptoms because the pH effect is not pronounced. Concentrated (50-70%) solutions have better warning properties because of immediate pain. After a delay of 1-12 hours, progressive redness, swelling, skin blanching, and pain occur owing to penetration to deeper tissues by the fluoride ion. The exposure is typically through a pinhole-size defect in a rubber glove, and the fingertip is the most common site of injury. The pain is progressive and unrelenting. Severe deep-tissue destruction may occur, including full-thickness skin loss and destruction of underlying bone.
- Ingestion of HF may cause corrosive injury to the mouth, esophagus, and stomach.
- Systemic, life-threatening hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia may occur after ingestion or skin burns involving a large body surface area or highly concentrated solution (can occur with exposure to >2.5% body surface area and a highly concentrated solution). Hyperkalemia may occur as a result of fluoride-mediated inactivation of the Na-K ATPase, activation of the Na-Ca ion exchanger, or tissue injury. These electrolyte imbalances, either alone or in combination, may lead to cardiac dysrhythmias, the primary cause of death in HF exposures. Prolonged QT interval may be the initial manifestation of hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia.
Is based on a history of exposure and typical findings. Immediately after exposure to weak or intermediate solutions, there may be few or no symptoms, even though potentially severe injury may develop later.
- Specific levels. Serum fluoride concentrations are not useful after acute exposure but may be useful in evaluating chronic occupational exposure. Normal serum fluoride is less than 20 mcg/L but varies considerably with dietary and environmental intake. In workers, pre-shift urine excretion of fluoride should not exceed 3 mg/g of creatinine.
- Other useful laboratory studies include electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, calcium, magnesium, and continuous ECG monitoring.