Barium poisonings are uncommon and usually result from accidental contamination of food sources, suicidal ingestion, or occupational inhalation exposure. Accidental mass poisoning has occurred from the addition of barium carbonate to flour and the contamination of table salt. The incidence of barium poisoning in developing countries is much higher than in developed countries.
Barium is a dense alkaline earth metal that exists in nature as a divalent cation in combination with other elements. The water-soluble barium salts (acetate, chloride, fluoride, hydroxide, nitrate, and sulfide) are highly toxic. The solubility of barium carbonate is low at physiologic pH, but increases considerably as the pH is lowered (such as in the presence of gastric acid). Soluble barium salts are found in depilatories, ceramic glazes, and rodenticides and are used in the manufacture of glass and in dyeing textiles. Barium chlorate used to be a common ingredient in fireworks, producing a green color on ignition, however it has been replaced by the more stable barium nitrate and barium carbonate. Barium sulfide and polysulfide may also produce hydrogen sulfide toxicity. Barium may also enter the air during mining and refining processes, the burning of coal and gas, and the production of barium compounds. The oil and gas industries use barium compounds to make drilling mud, which lubricates the drill while it passes through rocks.
The insoluble salts, such as barium sulfate, are poorly absorbed. However, intravasation from a radiologic study has occurred, where barium sulfate administered under pressure leaked into the peritoneal cavity or portal venous system. Cardiovascular collapse has been reported, although it is unclear if this was directly from the barium or from overwhelming sepsis.
The minimum oral toxic dose of soluble barium salts is undetermined but may be as low as 200 mg. Lethal doses range from 1 to 30 g for various barium salts because absorption is influenced by gastric pH and foods high in sulfate. Patients have survived ingestions of 129 and 421 g of barium sulfide. The US Environmental Protection agency (EPA) has set an oral reference dose for barium of 0.07 mg/kg/d. A level of 50 mg/m3 may be immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH).
Acute intoxication manifests within 10-60 minutes with severe gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting, epigastric discomfort, and profuse watery diarrhea. This is soon followed by skeletal muscle weakness due to profound hypokalemia, that progresses to flaccid paralysis, areflexia, and respiratory failure. Ventricular arrhythmias, hypophosphatemia, mydriasis, impaired visual accommodation, myoclonus, salivation, hypertension, convulsions, rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, and coagulopathy may also occur. Profound lactic acidosis and CNS depression may be present. More often, patients remain conscious even when severely poisoned.
Is based on a history of exposure, accompanied by rapidly progressive hypokalemia and muscle weakness. A plain abdominal radiograph may detect radiopaque material, but the sensitivity and specificity of radiography have not been determined for barium ingestions.