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  • Waveforms produced by the heart's electrical current are recorded on ECG graphing paper.
  • The horizontal axis of the ECG strip represents time.
    • Each small block equals 0.04 second.
    • Five small blocks form a large block, which equals 0.2 second (0.04 second [one small block] multiplied by 5 [small blocks in a large block] = 0.2 second).
    • Five large blocks equal 1 second (5 × 0.2).
    • To measure or calculate heart rate (in beats/min), use a 6-second strip, which consists of 30 large blocks.

  • The vertical axis of the ECG measures amplitude in millimeters (mm) or electrical voltage in millivolts (mV).
    • Each small block represents 1 mm or 0.1 mV.
    • Each large block represents 5 mm or 0.5 mV.
    • To determine the amplitude of an ECG component (wave, segment, or interval), count the number of small blocks from the baseline to the highest (in a positive wave) or lowest (in a negative wave) point of the wave, segment, or interval on a standard 12-lead ECG.

ECG grid

This ECG grid shows the horizontal and vertical axes and their respective measurement values.