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Appendix 1

Want to test your knowledge?

Come with me…

I'm moving full speed ahead into the Test Zone.

Chapter 1: Basic electrocardiography

Chapter 2: Sinus node arrhythmias

Chapter 3: Atrial arrhythmias

Chapter 4: Junctional arrhythmias

Chapter 5: Ventricular arrhythmias

Chapter 6: Atrioventricular blocks

Chapter 7: ECG effects of electrolyte imbalances

Chapter 8: ECG effects of antiarrhythmics

Chapter 9: Pacemakers and ICDs

Chapter 10: Basic 12-lead electrocardiography

Chapter 11: Advanced electrocardiography


If you answered 35 to 38 questions correctly, great job! You're in a dimension all by yourself.

If you answered 30 to 34 questions correctly, way to go! You're really in the zone.

If you answered fewer than 30 questions correctly, review the chapters and try again! It won't be long until you see the light.