Limb lead placement | Proper lead placement is critical for accurate recording of cardiac rhythms. These drawings show correct electrode placement for the six limb leads. RA stands for right arm; LA, left arm; RL, right leg; and LL, left leg. A plus sign (+) indicates a positive pole, a minus sign (−) indicates a negative pole, and G indicates a ground. Below each drawing is a sample ECG strip for that lead. | Lead I | Lead II | Lead III | Connects the right arm (negative pole) with the left arm (positive pole). | Connects the right arm (negative pole) with the left leg (positive pole). | Connects the left arm (negative pole) with the left leg (positive pole). | | Lead aVR | Lead aVL | Lead aVF | Connects the right arm (positive pole) with the heart (negative pole). | Connects the left arm (positive pole) with the heart (negative pole). | Connects the left leg (positive pole) with the heart (negative pole). | |
Precordial lead placement |
To record a 12-lead ECG, place electrodes on the patient's arms and left leg and place a ground lead on the patient's right leg. The three standard limb leads (I, II, and III) and the three augmented leads (aVR, aVL, and aVF) are recorded using these electrodes. Then, to record the precordial chest leads, place electrodes as follows:
| - V1—fourth intercostal space (ICS), right sternal border
- V2—fourth ICS, left sternal border
- V3—midway between V2 and V4
- V4—fifth ICS, left midclavicular line
- V5—fifth ICS, left anterior axillary line
- V6—fifth ICS, left midaxillary
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