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  • Plug the cord of the ECG machine into a grounded outlet unless the machine operates on a charged battery and doesn't need to be plugged in.
  • Turn on the machine.
  • Enter the patient's identification data if necessary.
  • Place all of the electrodes on the patient.
  • Make sure all leads are securely attached.
  • Make sure that the ECG paper speed selector is set to the standard 25 mm per second.
  • Instruct the patient to relax, lie still, breathe normally, and refrain from talking during the recording to prevent distortion of the ECG tracing.
  • Start recording the ECG by pressing the appropriate button on the machine.
  • Observe the quality of the tracing.
  • Turn off the machine when it finishes the recording.
  • Remove the electrodes and clean the patient's skin.
Memory jogger

GO SLOW to remember the steps for recording an ECG:

Grounded outlet

On (machine and electrodes)

Speed (25 mm/sec)

Lie still (instruction to the patient)

Observe tracing quality

Wash the patient's skin after removing the electrodes.