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General Reference

Jama 2006;295:547; Nejm 2001;344:1608

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:ASCVD causes thrombotic type and incidence is incr by HT, DM, hyperlipidemia, and smoking; embolic from post-MI (10%), mural thrombus, Atib (75%), and valvular heart disease (15%)


30% of patients with premature (age <50 yr) peripheral and CNS thromboembolic vascular disease are heterozygotes for homocystinuria ((Homocystinuria (Homocyst[e]inemia))) variants (Nejm 1985;313:709)

Signs and Symptoms


Cold, pale extremity; decreased sensation and motor strength; pain usually but not always, worse with elevation; claudication, progresses to rest pain (r/o spinal stenosis in elderly)

Embolic incidence to: femoral (34%), brain (20%), popliteal (14%), iliac (13%), viscera (10%), aorta (9%), axillary (5%)

Si:Pale with elevation >1 min, then dependent rubor (reactive erythema) when first put down (Mod Concepts Cardiovasc Dis 1976;45:91); diminished or absent pulses; mottled skin; ischemic ulcers; gangrene


Sx progress over 6 yr though pt may decr activity (Jama 2004;292:453). In embolic, without rx, extremity loss is: axillary 10%, popliteal 12%, femoral 40%, aorta 80%


Gangrene of extremities


Lab and Xray

Lab: Noninv:Ankle-brachial index (ABI) <0.5 suggestive of significant disease (Ann IM 2002;136:873); even <0.9 being used as sens and specific marker of periph vascular disease in some studies (sponsored by Plavix!) (Jama 2004;292;453). Doppler studies for segmental systolic BPs and Doppler wave forms (Nejm 1983;309:841)


Duplex ultrasonography (Brit J Surg 1996;83:404)

Angiography only if plan to do surgery as you would if embolic



(Med Let 2004;46:13)

Stop cigarettes; control BP, DM, and cholesterol/lipids

Weight loss; exercise program of walking to pain w/i 5 min and continuing as tolerated, then rest and resume to >30 min walking time at least tiw for at least 6 mo helps (Jama 2006;144:10; Nejm 2002;347:1941; Jama 1995;274:975), or even less frequently (Ann IM 2006;144:10); beta-blockers may, but don't usually, worsen sx (Arch IM 1991;151:1769) unless coincident nifedipine use (BMJ 1991;303:1100); ASA 325 mg po qd (Lancet 1992;340:143)

Medications (Jama 2006;295:547)

Bypass surgery or angioplasty/stent (Nejm 2006;354:1879) if ulcers or intolerable pain

of acute thrombotic or embolic occlusion: embolectomy within 6 h with Fogarty catheter; or thrombolysis iv × 2+ d w indwelling catheter using urokinase for acute (<2 wk) or chronic obstruction, w f/u angioplasty, helps 50-80% (Nejm 1998;338:1105 vs 1148; Ann IM 1994;120:40); anticoagulation with heparin then warfarin