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General Reference

Jags 2008;56:935; Nejm 2008;358:1474; 2006;354:2250; 2005;353:595

Pathophys and Cause



Pathophys:Estrogen deficiency postmenopausally; in athletes and other younger women, the problem is either the estrogen deficiency and/or progesterone deficiency from short or absent luteal phase (Nejm 1990;323:1221)


More in female smokers from changes in estrogen metabolism (Nejm 1994;330:387); less frequent in blacks and Polynesians because they start with higher adolescent bone densities (Nejm 1991;325:1597) and rates of loss are slower (Jags 2005;53:183). Osteopenia/-porosis present in 42%/7% of US women over age 50 yr (Jama 2001;286:2815)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Bone pain, esp vertebral; fractures

Si:Decreased height/kyphosis from vertebral compression fractures, measure w rib–pelvis distance lteq.gif2 finger breadths (Jama 2004;292:2890)


Chronic, slowly progressive


Rib, extremity and vertebral fractures especially; many asymptomatic.

r/o causes listed above when premature, ie, in men under 70 yr and women under 60 yr

Lab and Xray


Chem: PTH, serum and urine calciums to r/o hyperparathyroid and renal calcium leak in asx postmenopausal type (D. Spratt 9/95). Vit D levels by radio-immunoassay, 25-OH vit D <25 nm/L (Jags 2008;56:785); but little evidence that rx needed or beneficial for levels of 10-30 ng/cc (Cliff Rosen-Nejm 2011;364;248). In men: TSH, calcium, LFTs, creatinine/BUN, total testosterone, 25-OH vit D (treat levels <30 ng/cc)

FRAX score: WHO Fracture Risk Algorithm amalgamates risk factors including BMD to calculate a 10-year fracture risk in older adults (Osteoporosis Int 2005;16:581)


Osteopenic bones and fractures

Screening (Osteoporosis)


Rx: (Nejm 2007;356:2293)

All preventive or instituted to slow the progression (Med Let 1992;34:101) and work to prevent the steroid-induced type as well (Nejm 1993;329:1406).

Weight-bearing exercise (Nejm 1996;124:187)

Smoking cessation; helps exercise and allows protective effect of estrogens (Ann IM 1992;116:716)

Calcium replacement therapy (Med Let 2000;42:29), as CaCO3, 1-1.5 gm of elemental Ca++/d; milk has 300 mg Ca++ /cup; chewable Tums, 200 or 500 mg/tab; Oscal, 500 mg/tab; Ca citrate (Citracal) 315 mg/tab, but absorbed better, esp in pts on PPI/achlorhydrics/elderly (Nejm 1985;313:70); all come w 200+ IU vit D/500+ mg of Ca++; $5-7/mo. Modest effect (Nejm 2006;354:669, 750; ACP J Club 2006;145:4)

Vitamin D as 600-800 IU qd or calcitriol (D3) 0.25 µgm po bid may decrease falls and fractures without producing stones by preventing increased PTH of winter at least (Jama 2005;293:2257; Nejm 1993;327:1637; 1992;326:357; Ann IM 1991;115:505); other RCTs find no effect unless levels <10 ng/cc? (Nejm2011;364:248; 2006;354:669)

Bisphosphonates; can decr fx rate after hip fx (secondary prevention) (Nejm 2007;357:1799, 1861); 5 yr of rx enough since drug persists for years in the bone (Med Let 2008;50:69; Jama 2006;296:2927, 2968) and atypical femoral shaft fx rates incr × 3 after 4-5 yr (Jama 2011;305;783) and absolute risk low, benefits > risks (Nejm 2011;364:1728). Adv effects: osteonecrosis (Med Let 2007;49:89; Nejm 2006;355:2278; Jama 2006;295:2833; Ann IM 2006;144:753) of jaw > mandible > maxilla, esp with dental disease or extractions (get all repairs done before start) and w iv preparations; costs and risks outweigh benefits in merely osteopenic pts unless other risk factors (Ann IM 2005;142:734, 796); all around $1100/yr except for generic alendronate

Calcitonin (Cibacalcin) 100 IU sc/im or 200 IU nasally qd; also relieves acute fx pain possibly via opiate effect (J Fam Pract 1992;35:93), not as good as alendronate (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:1783); nasal $60/mo, sc/im $225/mo

Parathyroid hormone teriparatide (Forteo) (Jags 2006;54:782, 853) sc daily either as 40 µgm of the 34 aa fragment, or 100 µgm of the full 84 aa PTH, NNT = 10 (ACP J Club 2006;145:71); no fx outcome studies, effects inhibited by concurrent bisphosphonate rx (Nejm 2003;349:1207, 1216, 1277), perhaps alternate q q3mo$7000/yr

Osteoclast receptor blockers: denosumab (Prolia) (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96: doi:10.1210, Nejm 2009;361:745, 756, 818) 60 mg sc q 6 mo dramtically decr fx rate in women w T score <2.5 and men on androgen deprviation rx. Adv effects: immunosuppression

Hormonal w selective estrogen receptor modulators (p 515) like raloxifene (Evista) et al; or androgens in men if hypogonad perhaps

Vertebroplasty w polymethylmethacrylate (J Neurosurg 2003;98:36; Clin Ger 2004;12:32;Spine 2006;31:57) vs no benefit by DBCT (Nejm 2009;361:557, 569, 619)

Statin drug rx of incr cholesterol also helps slow osteoporosis? (Jama 2000;283:3205, 3211, 3255; Lancet 2000;355:2185 vs Ann IM 2003;139:97; Jama 2001;285:1850)

Thiazides help bone density and fx rate (Ann IM 2003;139:476; 2000;133:516) w/o adverse lipid effects (Jags 2003;51:340) as do beta.gif-blockers (Jama 2004;292:1326)

Folic acid 5 mg po qd and B12 1500 µgm po qd to lower homocysteine levels (Nejm 2004;350:2033, 2042, 2089) and fx rates (NNT = 14) (Jama 2005;293:1082, 1121)