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Interacting Drugs


MAO Inhibitors (Nonselective):

MAO-B Inhibitors:


Serotonergic Drugs:

* Propoxyphene (Darvon) was withdrawn from the US market.


Linezolid appears to be a weak MAOI, but serotonin syndrome has been reported when it is combined with serotonergic agents, including SSRIs and SNRIs. Selective MAO-B inhibitors theoretically should not interact with serotonergic drugs, and many patients have received these combinations safely. Some patients on MAO-B inhibitors, however, may develop nonselective MAO inhibition. Rasagiline is metabolized by CYP1A2, so theoretically, patients on CYP1A2 inhibitors may be more likely to develop nonselective MAO inhibition due to rasagiline. (For a list of CYP1A2 inhibitors, see CYP 450 Table at front of book.) (Note: Concurrent use of 2 or more serotonergic drugs (from the 2 right columns above) may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome, but only isolated cases have been reported.)

Class 2: Use only if Benefit Felt to Outweigh Risk