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General Reference

Nejm 2005;353:1463; Ann IM 1988;109:261, 318

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Vibrio vulnificusand parahaemolyticus


Warm seawater exposure. Various species live in sea, hence gi disease from raw oyster ingestion (Mmwr 1996;45:621), shell cut wound infections, swimming (Ann IM 1983;99:169)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:NV+D with cramps w/i 4 d of consumption; bloody diarrhea in <50%; fever, headache; ear pain; wound pain

Si:Otitis media, cellulitis, gangrene


2-4 d


Septicemia, often fatal, esp in compromised host, like alcoholics, in whom can cross gut barriers

Lab and Xray

Lab:Bact:Culture with special medium (TCBS) broth



Preventive: avoid raw oyster eating by the immunocompromised

Quinolones, tetracyclines (Med Let 1991;33:107)