Basal Metabolic Rate (Harris-Benedict)
Patient Gender Male Female
Age in years
unit kg lb
unit in cm
R e s u l t s
BMR - kcal/day
? ? ?
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Basal Metabolic Rate (Harris-Benedict)

The Basal Metabolic Rate ( BMR ) is the amount of energy that would be expended at rest in a temperate environment with no activity.

Factors considered in this calculation include:

  • Gender
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Age

BMR in units of Kcal/day:

Males = 66.5 + (13.75 x Wt) + (5.003 x Ht) - (6.775 x age)

Females = 655.1 + (9.563 x Wt) + (1.850 x Ht) - (4.676 x age)

  • Wt = Kilograms of actual body weight
  • Ht = Height in cm
  • Age = Age in years

Expenditures due to activity affect the actual caloric requirements to maintain one's weight, usually by a multiple of the BMR of:

Energy Needs Activity Level
BMR x 1.2 Sedentary (little or no exercise)
BMR x 1.375 Lightly active (Some physical activity 1-3 days/week)
BMR x 1.5 Moderately active (Exercise 3-5 days/week)
BMR x 1.725 Very active (Exercise 6-7 days/week)
BMR x 2.0 Heavy physical training, double training, etc

Reference :

Harris J, Benedict F. A biometric study of basal metabolism in man. Washington D.C. Carnegie Institute of Washington. 1919.