Glasgow Coma Scale for Adults
Eye opening No response With pain With verbal command Spontaneous
Motor Response None Decerebrate rigidity Decorticate rigidity Flexion Withdrawal Localizes Pain Obeys Verbal Command
Verbal Response None Incomprehensible Inappropriate Words Disoriented conversation Oriented, converses Intubated
R e s u l t s
? ? ?
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Glasgow Coma Scale for Adults

This formula calculates the Glasgow coma score that indicates the level of CNS damage/injury.


The score ranges from 3 to 15 unless the patient is intubated, in which case it is reported as 2-T to 10-T. Scores are calculated by adding individual scores in

"Eye opening",

"Best Motor Response",

and "Best Verbal Response" as below:


Eye Opening

4 Opens Spontaneously

3 To Loud Voice

2 To Pain

1 Nil


Best Motor Response

6 Obeys Verbal Command

5 Localizes Pain

4 Flexion Withdrawal

3 Decorticate Rigidity

2 Decerebrate Rigidity

1 Nil


Best Verbal Response

5 Oriented/Converses

4 Disoriented/Converses

3 Inappropriate Words

2 Incomprehensible

1 Nil

T Intubated