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General Reference

Nejm 2004;351:1227

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Genetic mutation or transmitted as? "X-linked or autosomal dominant expressed only in male". No incr w advanced maternal age.

Pathophys:Part of mixed gonadal dysgenesis (see above); XO, X with partial X or Y deletion, isochromosome of X or Y, ring chromosome with deletion of X or Y. Lymphatic hypoplasia causes edema


Rare, incid = 1/1500-2500 females, prevalence = 50-75 000 in US; more common in miscarriage fetuses

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Short stature (90% are <5 ft); primary amenorrhea; multiple moles appear between age 4 and 15 yr

Si:Normal female genitalia; ankle edema; low hairline at base of neck; neck webbing (20%); multiple nevi and nail anomalies; increased carrying angle of elbow, short 4th metacarpal


Diabetes mellitus; Hashimoto's thyroiditis in up to 50%; congenital cardiovascular abnormalities, esp coarctation of the aorta (15%) and bicuspid aortic valve; renal and gi congenital abnormalities occasionally; tumors in streak gonads if present; renal HT; scoliosis (10%); OM from malformations of mouth/nose; hypothyroidism (20%); stabismus

Lab and Xray


Path:Streak gonads w gonadal dysgenesis

Chromosome preps are Barr body-negative; get full karyotype to r/o XO-XY mosaicism with increased gonadal cancer incidence

Chem:FSH and LH increased (unlike hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism)


Prenatal ultrasound may show lymphedema, thickened nuchal fold, cystic hygroma, horseshoe kidney

Knee films show overgrowth of medial tibial condyle



Growth hormone rx in late childhood (Nejm 1999;340:502, 557); ERT and cycled progresterone in adults; pregnancy possible esp w donated ova

Surgical removal of any streak gonad in all mosaics