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General Reference

Nejm 1994;330:827

HLA-matched (Nejm 1990;322:485; Ann IM 1989;110:51). Useful for various conditions: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, aplastic anemia, combined immunodeficiency (even non-HLA matched works—Nejm 1999;340:528), Fanconi's anemia, Hurler's disease, possibly thalassemia major (40-50% survival), possibly sickle cell disease, hematologic cancers, some solid tumors like breast, ovarian, melanoma, and glioma. Costs $150000-500000 and for some diseases may be no better than standard rx

Placental/cordblood source more available and often better w less GVH disease (Nejm 2001;344:1818; 2000;342:1846), 75% success (Nejm 1998;339:1565; Med Let 1996;38:71), esp if can't match (Nejm 2004;351:2265, 2276, 2328)

Peripheral blood stem cells from a donor after filgrastim (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) are better source for transplant (Nejm 2001;344:175; Ann IM 1997;126:600)



Rx:Prophylactic pneumovax against increased pneumococcal disease (Ann IM 1979;91:835); acyclovir against herpes simplex (Nejm 1981;305:63); CMV immune plasma against CMV (Ann IM 1982;97:11)

Filgrastim, a granulocyte-stimulating factor, can reinduce transplanted marrow growth (Nejm 1993;329:757)