Genetic (Ann IM 1999;130:953), most are autosomal recessive HFE gene mutation C282Y on chromosome 6 (Nejm 1999;341:718, 755); but a small % are H63D mutations of the same gene (Jama 2001;285:2216)
Iron overload, eg, in thalassemia major patients (Ann IM 1983;99:450), or dietary overload in African genetically predisposed (Nejm 1992;326:95). Heterozygous state may have some reproductive advantage to women by preventing iron deficiency (Nejm 1996;335:1799)
Pathophys:A chronic hepatitis; hemosiderin deposition especially in pancreas, skin, liver, testes, heart, kidneys
Usually in patients age >40 yr; women usually older than men since menstruation protects (Ann IM 1997;127:105)
C282Y gene frequency ~1/15, M:F = 4:1; 1/250 whites are homozygotes (Nejm 2005;352:1769). Lower rates inother ethnic groups down to <1/million in Asians.
H63D homozygote prevalence higher, 2/5% of whites, 0.2% of Asians; but iron levels in homozygotes only equal to C282Y heterozygotes
Sx:Increased skin pigmentation (iron stimulation of melanin production); weakness/fatigue (70%); abdominal pain (60%); arthritis (often 1st sx in 40-60%); diabetic sx's
Si:Skin pigmentation (75%), diabetic si's (60%); cardiac failure
Normal life expectancy with phlebotomies if no cirrhosis (Nejm 1985;313:1256); heterozygotes have mildly elevated iron levels but no iron overload cmplc's (Nejm 1996;335:1799)
Hepatic cirrhosis (60%), hepatoma (10%); pituitary impotence (30%), reversible with rx (Ann IM 1984;101:629); CHF from myocardiopathy with a rapidly downhill course; diabetes, usually insulin dependent
Chem: -Fetoprotein elevated (r/o hepatoma); hepatitis LFTs;
Path:Bx of liver, synovium, marrow, rectal mucosa all show increased iron deposition and, in liver, cirrhosis with periportal concentrations
Prevent: screening all adults with Fe and TIBC for homozygous state by above iron level criteria is not indicated (USPSTFAnn IM 2006;145;204, 209) but may be for pt's family members for C282Y mutation of HFE gene useful and cheap ($95) (Ann IM 2000;132:261)
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