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General Reference

B12 Deficiency Anemia

Nejm 1997;337:1441; 1966;275:978

Pathophys and Cause


Pathophys:B12 is a crucial coenzyme for ribonucleotide reductase (RNA to DNA) and propionic catabolism, lack of which may cause CNS demyelination 1st in posterior, then in lateral columns. In PA, antigastric parietal cell (where IF made), as well as H+/K+-ATPase antibodies


PA increased in Scandinavians and blood group A people; prevalence in all races in US ~0.1% (Nejm 1978;298:647; Ann IM 1971;74:448), 1.9% over age 60 yr

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:of anemia, sore mouth; mean age of onset of PA = 60 yr; 20% of PA pts have pos family hx; diarrhea and other malabsorptions sx

Si:Anemia, glossitis, stomatitis, fair complexion, vitiligo


Sx onset after 2 yr of total deficiency


CHF due to profound anemia; thrombocytopenic purpura; stomach cancer with adult PA; subacute combined degeneration (case—Nejm 2003;348:2204) of cortex and posterior and lateral (corticospinal) columns of spinal cord w sx of distal paresthesias and numbness, paraplegia, vibratory sense and position sense loss, pos Rhomberg, psychiatric sx and dementia, and peripheral neuropathy, seen even without macrocytosis (Nejm 1988;318:17,20, 1752); carcinoid-secreting tumor due to chronic gastrin stimulation (Nejm 1997;336:866)

r/o (Nejm 1973;288:764) other macrocytic anemias: folate deficiency, orotic aciduria (Nejm 1990;322:1641, 1652), Di Guglielmo's syndrome, anti-DNA drugs

Lab and Xray


Chem:Gastrin levels sky high (no acid inhibition since acid-secreting cells hit harder than gastrin secretors—Nejm 1970;282:358). Hgb F and A2 increased; B12 by RIA <100 pgm/cc, but levels <300 may be significant if elevated MMA levels too; increased LDH, Fe, bilirubin, serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) (>271 nM/L), and homocysteine levels elevated before overt B12 deficiency (Ann IM 1996;124:469)

Gastric:Aspirate shows no acid, no false negatives?

Hem:Macrocytic anemia, neutropenia, and hypersegmented polys, normal or sometimes low platelets (ineffective production) unlike Fe deficiency; r/o myelodysplastic syndromes. Retics increased in 1st week of rx

Path:Marrow is megaloblastic with red cell precursor nuclei still open, ie, not pyknotic in late normoblastic stage, Howell-Jolly bodies, giant "C" metamyelocytes. In PA, stomach shows lymphatic infiltration early; CNS shows multifocal myelin degeneration with microcavities and glial scar

Serol:Elevated intrinsic factor antibodies in PA

Schilling test:Rarely done anymore; 1st load with im B12, then 3 h later give hot B12 po and measure excretion in 24-48 h urine sample, normal >15%; then repeat with intrinsic factor to see if corrects



(Jags 2002;50:1789)

Preventive: avoid unnecessary folate replacement, which helps anemia but masks subacute combined degneration (Nejm 2003;348:2204)

B12 1000-2000 µgm qd loading dose × 7 d im or weeks po, or q 3 d × 4, or nasal spray (Nascobal) 500 µgm q 1 wk (8 doses/bottle); po as good as im even if no intrinsic factor (Acta Med Scand 1968;184:247; Nejm 1959;260:361); then lteq.gif500-1000 µgm/mo po/im/nasal maintenance. Recheck retics or MMA level after 1 wk of rx, esp if po

Consider gastroscopy at least at diagnosis, maybe regularly to pick up cancer in situ, which has an 85% 5-yr survival