Closing Capacity to Total Lung Volume Capacity
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
unit Liters ml
Tidal Volume
unit Liters ml
Expiratory Reserve Volume
unit Liters ml
Residual Volume
unit Liters ml
Closing Volume
unit Liters ml
R e s u l t s
Total Lung Volume Capacity
Closing Capacity
Ratio of closing capacity to Total Lung Volume Capacity
Show Results
Closing Capacity to Total Lung Volume Capacity
  • Total Lung Capacity (TLC) is the volume of air in the lungs at the end of maximal inspiration
  • The closing capacity (CC) is the volume in the lungs at which the alveoli collapse
  • The ratio of closing capacity to Total Lung Volume Capacity appears to correlate with asthma severity and is also altered in healthy smokers

The formulas utilized in this calculation include:

  • CC=CV+RV
  • CC/TLC(%)=100*CC/TLC

Abbreviations used:

  • TLC=Total lung capacity
  • CC=Closing capacity
  • IRV=Inspiratory Reserve Volume (Liters)
  • TV=Tidal Volume (Liters)
  • ERV=Expiratory Reserve Volume (Liters)
  • RV=Residual Volume (Liters)
  • CV=Closing Volume (Liters)


One study by Van Veen, et al., found that CC/TLC increased with severity of asthma.  In their trial they found mean CC/TLC % of:

  • Mild-Moderate Asthma: 39.7
  • Severe Asthma no oral steroids: 40.3
  • Severe Asthma on oral steroids: 53.8

Another study by Bourdin, et al., found CC/TLC to be significantly higher in asthmatic patients.  Harrison, et al., found differences in young healthy cigarette smokers of elevated CC/TLC. Lapperre, et al., found a significant correlation in COPD patients between CC/TLC and BAL neutrophil numbers.


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Harrison GN, et al. Peripheral airway function in healthy young cigarette smokers. Lung. 1979 Dec;156(3):205-15.

Lapperre TS, et al. Small Airways Dysfunction and Neutrophilic Inflammation in Bronchial Biopsies and BAL in COPD. Chest. 2007;131:53-9.

Van Veen IH, et al. Alveolar nitric oxide versus measures of peripheral airway dysfunction in severe asthma. Eur Respir J. 2006;27:951-6.

Veen JCCM, et al. Recurrent Exacerbations in Severe Asthma Are Associated with Enhanced Airway Closure During Stable Episodes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000 Jun;161(6):1902-6.

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