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General Reference

Nejm 2004;350:1646

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Multiple etiologies result in end-stage hepatic failure, which has four major complications: ascites, hemorrhage, renal failure, and encephalopathy

Pathophys:Ascites underfill theory is that postsinusoidal block raises portal vein pressure, which causes capsular weeping, which causes decreased blood volume and increased aldosterone and ADH, which causes more extracellular fluid and/or ascites; or underfill may be due to vasodilatation of splanchnic bed (cf pregnancy—Nejm 1988;319:1127) and caused by excess nitric oxide production by endothelial cells (Nejm 1998;339:533). Budd-Chiari hepatic vein occlusion occurs

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Abdominal swelling/edema

Si:Increased abdominal girth; fluid wave, shifting dullness, spiders, hepatosplenomegally


50% 2-yr mortality


Pleural effusions, usually on R side from ascites leakage into chest (Am J Med 1999;107:262)

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (Nejm 1999;341:403); present in 20% of those admitted w ascites; dx by peritoneal fluid WBC counts >500 or PMNL >250 and cultures (Jama 2008;299:1166); rx w cefotaxime plus iv albumin to prevent hepatorenal syndrome

Lab and Xray


Ascitic fluid:serum albumin level gteq.gif1.1 gm % greater than ascitic albumin level (Ann IM 1992;117:215), contrasts with malignant ascites (Am J Med 1984;77:83)

Bact:Ascitic fluid with pH <7.31 suggests peritonitis; cx fluid.

Chem:Hyponatremia in ascitics from hypovolemia-induced ADH (Ann IM 1982;96:413)



Prophylaxis of spontaneous bacterial peritionitis in acute vericeal bleed w norfloxacin 400 mg po bid or 400 mg iv qd × 7 d, or w cipro 200 mg iv qd + Augmentin (w variceal bleed); in asx pt w cirrhosis: norflox 400 mg po qd + cipro 750 mg po q 1 wk and SS Tm/S 5 d/wk

of nontense ascites: Na restriction, furosemide iv/po, and amiloride or spironolactone up to 400 mg qd to achieve 1 kg/d loss if edema present; 0.3 kg qd if not

of tense ascites:

  • 4-6 L paracentesis w or w/o optional 6-8 gm albumin iv per liter fluid removed (GE 1996;111:1002; Ann IM 1990;112:889) or dextran (J Clin Gastroenterol 1992;14:31); then repeated outpt taps; or
  • Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent (TIPS) shunt placement works like other shunting procedures w a 5% significant bleeding cmplc rate and 25% encephalopathy induction rate; used for both bleeding and intractable ascites (Nejm 1995;332:1192; 1994;330:165,182; Ann IM 1995;122:816; Jama 1995;273:1824); worse than large volume taps? (Gastroenterol 2003;124:634; 2992;123:1839 vs Nejm 2000;342:1701 vs 1745); or
  • Peritoneal/venous LaVeen shunt (Nejm 1991;325:829; 1989;321:1632); or
  • Liver transplant