Cause:Clostridium perfringens (C. welchii), or C. novyi; via wound contamination with dirt
Pathophys:Exotoxin produced in tissues leading to cell necrosis via lecithinase, which splits cell walls, collagenase, and other enzymatic activity. CO2 produced in wounds. Obligate anaerobes; need to live in dead tissue
In most soils; 8% of people carry in stool. Frequent agent in septic abortions.
Shock, rapid hemolysis
r/o more benign anaerobic crepitant cellulitis (Ann IM 1975;83:375) in diabetics when E. colior klebsiella anaerobically metabolizes glucose; other anaerobes (Anaerobic Infections (Except Clostridial))
Bact:Smear shows large gram-pos sporulating bacilli, which in culture produce lecithinase and CO2
Chem:Elevated bilirubin (hemolysis)
Xray:Gangrene: tissue gas throughout muscle after 18 h; unlikely to be gas gangrene if occurs earlier and/or without edema and inflammation
Rx:Gangrene: hyperbaric O2 inactivates the toxin; antitoxin 75000 U iv q 6 h may stop the hemolysis? Antibiotics: high-dose penicillin + gentamicin. Urgent surgery to excise dead tissue