section name header


Stool Collection

Prerequisite Skills

Universal precautions

Critical Element Criteria

Students must meet criteria of Critical Elements to safely perform the skill based on evidence-based practice. Score can be pass/fail, letter grade, or point assignment. Only acceptable score for Critical Elements is 100%

Critical Elements

  • Container for procedure should be single-use and clean.
  • Perform hand hygiene before and after procedure.


Prior to Treatment: (Critical Thinking)

  • Verify order.
  • Gather equipment: gloves; collection container.

Patient Interaction: (Safety)

  • Explain procedure.
  • Use two patient identifiers.
  • Wash hands.

Steps of the Procedure: (Patient Centered Care; Safety)

  1. Apply gloves.
  2. Place a specimen collection container in the toilet or commode.
  3. After obtaining feces, use a wooden stick or tongue depressor to place specimen into clean collection container.
  4. Apply lid tightly.
  5. Label container with patient information and place in biohazards bag.
  6. Remove gloves.

After Procedure (Patient Centered Care)

  • Straighten room making patient comfortable, replace call light.
  • Wash hands before leaving room.
  • Transport specimen to the lab as soon as possible. Refrigerate if unable.

Document (Informatics, Communication)

  • Specimen odor, amount, color.
  • That specimen was obtained and sent to lab.