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General Reference

Nejm 1973;289:1129

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Clostridium perfringens.Food (food poisoning) contamination with dirt

Pathophys:Exotoxin produced in food before or rarely after ingestion causing watery diarrhea via Na pump effects. Obligate anaerobes; need to live in dead tissue


In most soils; 8% of people carry in stool. 3rd most common type of food poisoning after staph and salmonella

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:12-h incubation period, then diarrhea without vomiting; no fever


Mild, only 1% call doctor; lasts 12 h


r/o other diarrheal illnesses (Diarrhea)

Lab and Xray

Lab:Bact:Smear shows large gram-pos sporulating bacilli, which in culture produce lecithinase and CO2


Rx:Fluid replacement oral or iv