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General Reference

(Pressure Sores)
(Jama 2008;300:2647; 2003;289:223; 1995;273:865)

Pathophys and Cause


Pathophys:Often primary injury is to deep tissue and skin necrosis occurs later


18% prevalence in bedridden

Signs and Symptoms


I—persistent redness

II—partial thickness abrasion, blister or ulcer

III—full thickness ulcer into subcut tissue, not fascia; w/o undermining

IV—extensive and/or invasion of fascia, joint, tendon; or undermining

But heel ulcers often bad w ecchymosis but skin still intact, so it is deep tissue injury, not stage I


Follow the area (length X width); stage II, 75% heal in 60 d; stage III, 17% heal in 60 d



None clearly best by DBCT

Prevent w alternating pressure mattress, air mattress (Jama 1993;269:1139), egg crate foam mattress 6.5 in. thick (Lancet 1994;343:568), turning; vit C2 50 mg bid po, though little evidence (Jama 2006;296:974)

Debridement of all eschar and dead tissue (except dry stable heel eschar, as long as checked daily): use topical lidocaine gel in gauze as prepare to debride;

Electrical stimlulation therapy

of stage II and III: hydrocolloid dressing

of stage III and IV and/or extensive exudate: calcium alginate followed by hydrocolloid

Table 3.4: Commonly Used Rx of Pressure Sores

Debridement of eschar
Sharp surgicalscoring or excision of eschar
Gauze dressingsNormal saline/disinfectant wet-to-dry gauze; not very practical; very labor intensive
Enzymatic productsElase (fibrinolysin & DNAase), Santyl (collagenase), Granulex (trypsin), Panafil (papain), Accuzyme
IrrigationWhirlpool, low-pressure waterpik
Protective dressings (autolytic)
PermeableOpCit, Tegaderm
HydrocolloidDuoDERM, Comfeel, Tegasorb, Ultec
Petroleum gauzeVaseline, Xeroform
CollagenMedifil Kollagen, more expensive but no better than hydrocolloid (Jags 2003;51:147)
Antimicrobial dressings
Disinfectant solutions (dry the wound; use not more than 2 wk)Acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite (Dakin's), povidone iodine (Betadine), chloramine-T (Chlorazene), Silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene) cheapest but must change q 24 hr; Acticoat absorbent sheets $14 for 6 x 6 in but last 2-7 d; also Actisorb, Aquacel, Af rope, Contreet, or SilverCel,each w differing rates of Ag release and absorptive capacities)
Topical antibiotics if not improvingMupirocin (Bactroban), metronidazole (Flagyl)
Hypertonic antimicrobialsHypertonic saline, sucrose (granulated sugar), NaCl gauze, (Mesalt)
Cavity filling
Gauze dressingsNormal saline gauze, hypertonic saline gauze (Mesalt™)
HydrocolloidsDuoDERM Hydroactive Gel™
Alginates (rope format)AlgiDERM™, DermaSORB™, Sorbsan™