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General Reference

HMS 3/06; Nejm 2003;348:2103; Practical Neurol 2003;3:204; ACP J Club 2000;132:24; NIH Mar 2000 publ #00-3788

Pathophys and Cause


Primary, autosomal dominant on chromosome 12q

Secondary causes: iron deficiency, diabetes, drug-induced (TCAs, lithium, SSRIs), uremia, cord and peripheral nerve diseases, transiently in pregnancy (20%)

Pathophys:Dopamine deficiency; iron is a cofactor for tyrosine hydroxylase needed for tyr RtArrow.gif dopamine


Common; 2-5+% prevalence; incr w age, but 35% of adults w severe disease have onset in childhood; strong familial association, esp if onset <40 yrs. Incr incid in pts on hemodialysis and those w iron deficiency. F > M. 80% of pts w restless leg syndrome have PLMS, but only 30% of pts w PLMS have RLS (Jags 2005;53:suppl 264)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx: Creepy crawly leg (usually) paresthesias/akathisias relieved by movement. Positive fam hx. Sleep interference

Si:Normal neurologic exam; may have involuntary periodic jerking limb movements, esp when asleep (nocturnal myoclonus) as well as semirhythmnic leg movements during sleep (periodic limb movements) but taht are nonspecific


R/o nocturnal muscle cramps

Lab and Xray

Lab: Chem: R/o secondary causes w iron and TIBC, ferritin, BUN/creat, FBS



(Nejm 2003;348:2106)

