section name header

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Genetic, autosomal dominant; or alcohol

Pathophys:Elevated VLDL; carbohydrate-induced, causes liver to make too much triglyceride


Associated with diabetes (70%), obesity, hyperuricemia; very common

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:None until MI

Si:None until MI



r/o other causes of increased triglyceride-including drugs (thiazides, BCPs, estrogens, ß-blockers, isotretinoin), burns and trauma, sepsis, SLE, MIs, glycogen storage diseases, obesity, alcohol

Lab and Xray

Lab:Chem:Cholesterol increased or normal; total cholesterol/HDL ratio increased; triglycerides 150-1000 mg %; supranate clear; infranate cloudy; PHLA normal; lipoPEP shows increased pre-ß-lipoprotein

  • Uric acid increased
  • GTT abnormal (70%)



Lose weight; rx diabetes; avoid alcohol, estrogens; diet of cholesterol <300 mg qd; exercise

Nicotinic acid (Niacin) (Hypercholesterolemia)