Cause:Neoplasia; genetic component in some (esp Ashkenazi Jews) when have BRCA-1 or -2 gene, mutations of Myocarditis/Dilated Cardiomyopathies area of chromosome 17; BRCA-1 present in 10% of women w cancer onset before age 35 yr (Nejm 1996;334:137, 143); women w gene have 85% lifetime risk for breast and 20-40% risk for ovarian Ca, while BRCA-2 women have same breast cancer risk and a 10-20% ovarian Ca risk, but environmental factors may ameliorate (Nejm 1997;336:1448); at present 3-5% of breast CA and up to 15% ovarian CAs in BRCA1/2 carriers; other cancer risk, including male breast, prostate and pancreatic CA increased with BRCA 1/2
Incidence = 100/100 000 women, 37/1000 women die of it; 45 000 die/yr in US; 12% of women will get in their lifetime; 0.5% of all male cancers (Ann IM 2002;137:688), esp in undescended testicles or Kleinfelter's syndrome, which is found in 20% of men w the dx.
Increased incidence with: obesity; infertility; smoking in postmenopausal women who are slow acetylators (Jama 1996;276:1494); late motherhood (age >30 yr); uterine cancer; h/o breast cancer in 1st-degree relatives (× 3-10); postirradiation, eg, Hiroshima, fluoroscopy, even thymus radiation in childhood (Nejm 1989;321:1281), and mammography over age 40 yr causes 40/million women after a 20-yr lag (Nejm 1989;321:1285); moderate alcohol use (Ann IM 2002;137:799), linear incr w incr use (Jama 1998;279:535); hereditary ataxia telangiectasia heterozygotes who may represent 9% of all US breast cancer (Nejm 1986;316:1289), and in whom radiation from mammograms, etc, may increase incidence a lot (Nejm 1991;325:1831); generally in women exposed to more estrogen (mechanismsNejm 2006;354:270), eg, perimenopausal users of estrogen and/or progesterone where relative risk increased × 1.7 (Arch IM 2006;166:760; Jama 1999;281:2091 vs 2141; Nejm 1995;332:1589; 1989;321:293), ductal less incr by ERT than lobular (Jama 2003;289:1421); low dietary vit A intake (Nejm 1993;329:234); fibroadenomas of breast before age 24 yr (Nejm 1994;331:10); in women w h/o benign proliferative breast bx's esp w atypia (Nejm 2005;355:229, 275, 297); in males with gynecomastia
No increase with: abortions (Nejm 1997;336:81); bcp use (Nejm 2002;346:2025); high dietary fat consumption (Nejm 1996;334:356 vs Jama 2006:295:629); low fiber intake (Jama 1992;268:2037); silicone breast implants (Nejm 1995;332:1535); exposure to PCBs or DDT (Nejm 1997;337:1253); "fibrocystic disease" except in the 1/3 w proliferative or atypical pathology who are at increased risk (Nejm 1985;312:146)
Lowered incidence in: women with 1st pregnancy before age 30-35 yr, 1/3 fewer if 1st pregnancy before age 23 yr, although pregnancy transiently increases risk for ~15 yr or until 2nd pregnancy, esp if over 35 yr w 1st pregnancy, but protects long term (Nejm 1994;331:5); nursing (more is better) protects against premenopausal type only (Nejm 1994;330:81 vs Lancet 1996;347:431); women who regularly exercise; weight loss after menopause (Jama 2006;296:193)
Sx: Breast mass, usually nontender; nipple discharge or bleeding sometimes
Si:Breast mass, nontender, single, firm, in upper outer quadrant in 60%. Sometimes bloody breast discharge. PAGET'S DISEASE OF BREAST, an areolar dermatitis, if present is strongly correlated with cancer.
Metastases, to skeleton have prognosis better than those to viscera. Cancer in opposite breast in 7-12%
r/o "FIBROCYSTIC DISEASE" (Nejm 1985;312:146) present clinically in 50% of women, histologically in 90%. DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU (Nejm 2004;350:1430), 5-10% prevalence in autopsy series, over half progress to invasive cancer over 5-8 yr, represent 20% of mammographically detected cancers because often cause microcalcifications; rx'd w mastectomy or lumpectomy and radiation, + tamoxifen if estrogen receptor+; relatively benign w local resection and irradiation (Jama 1996;275:913, 948) as are lobular Ca's
Chem:Screen pts in high-risk families for breast and ovarian Ca w BRCA-1 and -2 testing (Jama 1996;275:1885); cost = $2000; beware of overenthusiastic application (Nejm 1997;336:1448)
Path:Aspiration cytology for invasive cancer with experienced pathologists, 95% sens, 98% specif. Breast bx; estrogen receptors (ER) crucial to f/u rx; must freeze tissue within 30 min to 70°F; progesterone receptors (PR) also used. Cyclin E levels predict metastases (Nejm 2002;347:1566)
Xray:Mammograms (Secondary Prevention); maybe MRI w contrast esp in BRCA/other high-risk women (Nejm 2004;351:427) or pts w Ca in contralateral breast (Nejm 2007;356:1295); not helpful as f/u of mammography findings (Jama 2004;292:2735)
(Nejm 1998;339:974; Jama 1995;273:142) Classified by TNM (lesion size, nodes, mets) system