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General Reference

G6PD Hemolytic Anemia

Nejm 1991;324:169

Pathophys and Cause


A hereditary, nonspherocytic anemia

Type I: Genetic; sex-linked recessive (women show only some decreased reducing power)

Type II: genetic plus drug precipitants like antimalarials, eg, primaquine, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, ASA and aminopyrines, sulfones, dimercaprol, naphthalene, phenylhydrazine, probenecid, vitamin K, chloramphenicol, fava beans (only in whites), alpha.gif-MeDopa (Nejm 1967;276:658), etc. In 11% of US blacks; much higher prevalence in several Near-Eastern groups, eg, Kurds (62%). This type exists because of balanced polymorphism from selective advantage in female against falciparum malaria


In Caucasians, G6PD is decreased in all rbc's leading to profound anemia through vulnerability to oxidative damage because G6PD reduces NADP and thus provides the cell-reducing power to maintain sulfhydryl (SH) groups and thus help detoxify free radicals and peroxides. A deficiency also exists in other body cells (Nejm 1969;281:60). In contrast, G6PD is decreased in only older (>60-day-old) rbc's in blacks

Drugs are all redox catalysts taking TPNH RtArrow.gif TPN, Hgb Ø RtArrow.gif met-Hgb. Cell membranes injured by oxidizing thiols (SH RtArrow.gif SS). Injured cells then phagocytized by liver and spleen


Racial prevalence: blacks, 15%; Sardinians, 14%; Jews (Nejm 1967;277:1124), Sephardic up to 20%, Ashkenazi (Polish-Russian), <1%; Greeks; Egyptians.

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Acute jaundice and anemia with infection or drug use in type II. Newborn jaundice can cause kernicterus

Si:Anemia, color blindness


Sickle trait protects and vice versa (Nejm 1972;287:115)

Lab and Xray

Lab: Hem:Hemolytic anemia with increased reticulocytes, bilirubin, and marrow red cell series; low haptoglobin. Peripheral smear shows Heinz bodies (precipitated hemoglobin—Nejm 1969;280:203), helmets. G6PD enzyme assay


Rx:Stop drug; avoid infection and other sources of aplastic crisis; vitamin E no help (Nejm 1983;308:1014). Exchange transfusion in neonates with icterus