Failures of digestion:
- Blind loops, strictures, diverticula, and inadequate mixing syndromes, eg, postsurgery or associated with disorders of motility with secondary bacterial overgrowth causing bile salt breakdown, poor lipase stimulation, and poor absorption esp of fats (Nejm 1967;276:1393)
- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, high duodenal pH inactivates pancreatic enzymes
- Pancreatic, either disease destroying >90% of the organ (Nejm 1972;287:813) like cystic fibrosis, alcoholic pancreatitis, or postgastrectomy lack of cholecystokinin stimulation of pancreas
Inadequate absorption length:
- Gross lesions, eg, >50% small bowel resection, gastric acid often overwhelms the residual bowel
- Specific lesions, eg, ileal and/or proximal colon resection causing loss of enterohepatic circulation and hence of bile salts, which causes diarrhea
- Relative, ie, rapid transport syndromes
- Mesenteric arterial insufficiency
- Lymphatic obstruction impairing fatty acid and triglyceride absorption as in tumor or Whipple's disease
- Inflammatory, like sprue, regional enteritis, tbc, amyloid, sarcoid, milk allergy (Nejm 1967;276:761), giardia, coccidiosis (Nejm 1970;283:1306)
- Biochemical and/or genetic disorders like hypoparathyroidism and defects in carbohydrate, fat, and protein absorption
Sx:Weight loss, steatorrhea (greasy, smelly, floating diarrheal stools), abdominal distention
Tetany from vit D deficiency and calcium salt precipitation; bleeding from vit K malabsorption; anemia from B12 deficiency and bleeding; vit E deficiency (Nejm 1983;308:1063); drug absorption abnormal with malabsorption
(Nejm 1971;285:1358)
Chem:Carotene low (25% false neg), worth doing?
Specific malabsorption vs maldigestion tests like Xylose tolerance test: 25 gm po; with malabsorption, 5 gm in urine in 5 h; bacterial overgrowth or ascites will cause false pos
Path: Intestinal bx
Stool: Sudan stain for qualitative fat positive; 72-h stool fat
Choice based on etiology; cholestyramine 16 gm po qd for ileal resection diarrhea if mild (<20 gm fat qd)
Pancreatic enzymes; can enhance absorption with omeprazole rx (Ann IM 1991;114:200)
Vitamins D, E, B12, and K