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General Reference

Nejm 1999;340:1021; 1997;337:762

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Genetic, autosomal


Val substituted for Glut in ß chain leading to hemoglobin (Hgb) S, unstable at low O2, which causes polymer precipitation, which in turn sickles cells. These sickled cells stick to vessel walls, thus causing clots and infarctions. Splenic infarcts produce diminished antibody formation, which leads to increased infections. Hgb F (alpha.gif 2gamma.gif 2) may persist as survival mechanism into adult life. Heterozygous cells sickle only in severe hypoxia or if Hgb C or D present. Renal damage to medulla causes decreased concentrating ability, K+ loss, papillary necrosis, etc. alpha.gif-Thalassemia trait protects and vice versa (Nejm 1982;307:1441)


In US blacks, 7% have trait, 0.5% homozygous. Genetic distribution in world correlates with history, geography, and malaria (Ann IM 1973;79:258)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Painful crises in 60%; frequency correlates w worse prognosis (Nejm 1991;325:11)

Si:Retarded growth and sexual maturation (Nejm 1984;311:7); frontal bossing; skin ulcers, esp lower legs; angioid streaking of fundi indicates neovascularization (r/o Paget's, pseudoxanthoma elasticum)


50% live to age 45 yr, longer if fetal Hgb >8.6% (Nejm 1994;330:1639); heterozygotes have no clinical disease


Lab and Xray


Hem:ESR low, sickled cells in peripheral smear; hemoglobin electrophoresis shows Hgb S + increased Hgb F (Nejm 1978;299:1428)

Urine:UA w hematuria, low specific gravity due to inability to concentrate even in heterozygotes

Xray:Long bone infarcts/necrosis, "hair on end" skull, step fractures of vertebrae



Preventive maneuvers:

Butyrate (short-chain FA) is ineffective (Nejm 1995;332:1606)

of surgical crisis: transfuse to normal hematocrit (Nejm 1995;333:206)

of anemia

of nephropathy: ACE inhibitors to prevent progression (Nejm 1992;326:910)

of sepsis: ceftriaxone im in children as outpts (Nejm 1993;329:472)

of crisis: iv fluids, NSAIDs, narcotics; possibly steroids (Nejm 1994;330:733); possibly poloxamer 188 (Jama 2001;286;2099), inhaled nitric oxide/O2, 80%/20% not helpful (Jama 2011;305:893)

of stroke: transcranial Doppler ultrasound and transfusions (plain or exchange) (Nejm 1998;339:5)