Major Depression Inventory
Have you felt low in spirits or sad? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you lost interest in your daily activities? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you felt lacking in energy and strength? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you felt less self-confident? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you had a bad conscience or feelings of guilt? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you felt that life wasn't worth living? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you had difficulty in concentrating? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you felt very restless? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you felt subdued or slowed down? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you had trouble sleeping at night? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you suffered from reduced appetite? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
Have you suffered from increased appetite? All the time Most of the time Slightly more than half the time Slightly less than half the time Some of the time At no time
R e s u l t s
MDI Score
DSM-IV Diagnosis of MDD
The ICD-10 Diagnosis of MDD
Show Results
Major Depression Inventory

The Major Depression Inventory can be self administered and consists of 12 questions in 10 areas that correspond to the DSM-IV major depression symptoms.


The inventory is to be answered based upon "How you have been feeling over the last 2 weeks.";


Each of the 12 items is answered based upon which of the following 6 categories reflects your feelings:

"How much of the time ..."

  • All the time [5 pts]
  • Most of the time [4 pts]
  • Slightly more than half the time [3 pts]
  • Slightly less than half the time [2 pts]
  • Some of the time [1 pt]
  • At no time [0 pts]


The Questions:

  1. Have you felt low in spirits or sad?
  2. Have you lost interest in your daily activities?
  3. Have you felt lacking in energy and strength?
  4. Have you felt less self-confident?
  5. Have you had a bad conscience or feelings of guilt?
  6. Have you felt that life wasn't worth living?
  7. Have you had difficulty in concentrating (e.g. when reading the newspaper or watching television)?
  8. Have you felt very restless?
  9. Have you felt subdued or slowed down?
  10. Have you had trouble sleeping at night?
  11. Have you suffered from reduced appetite?
  12. Have you suffered from increased appetite?

Numerical Scoring:

There are 10 items, each with range of 0-5 points (total score range is 0-50 points). On questions 8 and 10, ONLY the score that is highest on a or b of a given question is used for the total score.


Dichotomization of Scores:

For ICD-10 and DSM IV criteria; a Yes (Present) or No (Not present) response is required.  To achieve this the following rules are applied:

  • Questions 1-3 require a score of 4-5 to be present
  • Questions 4-10 require a score of 3-5 to be present


DSM-IV Diagnosis of MDD

  • Either item 1 or 2 must be present
  • Questions 4 & 5 are combined with only the highest score being counted
  • A total of 5 of the 9 items (as 4&5 are combined) must be present
  • These items that are present should have been present nearly every day during the prior 2 weeks

The ICD-10 Diagnosis of MDD:

  • Mild Depression
    • Two of the 3 core items (Questions 1-3) are positive
    • 2-3 of the remaining 7 items are positive
  • Moderate Depression
    • At least 2 of the 3 core items (Questions 1-3) are positive
    • 3 or more of the remaining 7 items are positive
  • Severe Depression
    • All 3 core items (Questions 1-3) are positive
    • 5 or more of the remaining 7 items are positive


Olsen, et al also developed recommendations on interpretation based upon Total MDI Score :

  • Mild Depression = 20-24
  • Moderate Depression = 25-29
  • Severe Depression = >=30



Bech P, et al. The sensitivity and specificity of the Major Depression Inventory, using the Present State Examination as the index of diagnostic validity. J Affect Disord. 2001;66:159-64.
Olsen LR, et al. The internal and external validity of the Major Depression Inventory in measuring depressive states. Psychol Med. 2003;33:351-6.