Age of onset usually 6 mo to 3 yr. Incidence higher w positive family hx; 1/3 under age 2 yr caused by roseola? (Nejm 1994;331:432), but still consider w/u under age 1 yr w LP etc. 2-4% of children under age 5 yr have at least 1
Si:1/2 are partial complex, 1/2 are grand mal. Fever usually closer to 101°F than 105°F
33% recur, more often if age <18 mo; 50% recur within 6 mo, 75% within 1 yr, 90% within 2 yr if going to occur. No long-term intellectual/behavioral deficits later (Nejm 1998;338:1723)
Lab: EEG does not predict development of epilepsy (Peds 1999;103:1307)