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General Reference

Nejm 1990;322:1277

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Genetic, associated w HLA DRB1, DR1, and DR4 (Ann IM 1992;117:801, 869)


Collagenase produced by granulation tissue (Nejm 1977;296:1017)

Suppressor T-cell defect; don’t suppress EBV antibody production normally, leads to chronic EBV antibody production? (Nejm 1981;305:1238); rv of all theories including EBV ones (Ann IM 1984;101:810)

Diagnostic criteria (Bull Rheum Dis 1988;38[5]:1) have 90% sensitivity and specificity if have image4 of following criteria:

  1. early morning stiffness >6 wk;
  2. arthritis involving 3 or more joints >6 wk;
  3. wrist mcp or pip joint involvement;
  4. symmetric arthritis;
  5. rheumatoid nodules;
  6. positive rheumatoid titer;
  7. bony xray changes


(Epidem Rev 1990;12:247)

Adult female/male = 3:1, onset age 25-50 yr

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Joint pain (100%), monoarticular arthritis (8%); insidious onset; rare fever

Si:Subcutaneous (rheumatoid) nodules over pressure points; evanescent rash (6%); arthritis and thick synovium


Chronic over decades; often improves during pregnancy (Nejm 1993;329:466)


Lab and Xray


Joint fluid:Wbc ~40 000, poor mucin clot, protein = 4-5 gm %, C' decreased

Pleural fluid:Low glucose (<30 mg %); elevated LDH, protein >4 gm %, C' decreased (distinguishes from cancer)

Serol:Rheumatoid factor titers, 70% sens, 85% spec; anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, 67% sens, 95% specif (Ann IM 2007;146:797)



(Ann IM 2007;146:406, 459; Nejm 2004;350:2591)

Follow with buttoning or shoe-tying time, and BP cuff grip strength test with cuff starting at 30 mm (Ann IM 1994;120:26)

Medications (Ann IM 2001;134:695; Med Let 2000;42:57):

w other drugs, like