section name header

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:An acquired porphyria due to elemental Pb ingestion; paint ingestion esp in children (Nejm 1974;290:245), battery fumes, moonshine (Nejm 1969;280:1199), pottery glazes commercial and homemade (Nejm 1970;283:669), air contamination from smelter (Nejm 1975;292:123), indoor firing range users (Am J Pub Hlth 1989;79:1029), and radiator repair mechanics (Nejm 1987;317:214). Tetraethyl Pb from gas results in encephalopathy, without porphyria or blood changes

Pathophys:Pb inhibits by chelating sulfhydryl (SH) groups of ALA dehydrogenase (ALA rtarrow.gif PBG), ferrochelatase (PP rtarrow.gif heme), and possibly ALA synthetase. In adults, gout and gouty nephropathy; latter always associated with overt or silent Pb intoxication (Nejm 1981;304:520)


Common in young children; adult exposures usually occupational, eg rehab'ing old buildings. Inversely correlated w vit C intake (Jama 1999;281:2289)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:In severe poisoning, abdominal colic, relieved by palpation! h/o family pet illness, eg, dog (Am J Pub Hlth 1990;80:1183)

Si:In severe poisoning, anemia, gingival margin lead line, motor peripheral neuropathy, eg, wrist drop, neuroses, and psychoses


Progressive, si and sx roughly correlate w blood lead levels; cognition deficits only partially reverse w long-term rx (Jama 1998;280:1915)


Lab and Xray


Chem:Whole blood lead levels, even levels of 5-6 µgm % may indicate chronic lead load and may benefit from rx if creatinine >1.5 mg % (Nejm 2003;348:277); tooth levels (deciduum) can be used for epidemiologic studies (Nejm 1974;290:245)

Hem:Rbc stippling (RNA and mitochondria), siderocytes. Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin no longer used as screening test because only sensitive down to 30-40 µgm % and levels lag weeks

Urine:Increased coproporphyrins and protoporphyrins, no PBG elevations; Pb levels elevated; EDTA mobilization tests

Xray:KUB may show Pb opacities in gut; bones show lead lines at metaphyseal calcification line in children due to increased calcium laid down at zone of provisional calcification in rapidly growing bones, not in adults



Primary prevention by decreasing exposures is best health policy since now even levels <10 are shown to significantly effect IQ of children (Nejm 2003;348:1515, 1517, 1527)

Screen all children with serum lead levels at 6-12 mo and q6-12mo to age 24 mo, screen older children only if high risk (Med Let 1991;33:78) (Table 1.2)

Table 1.2 Lead Poisoning Protocol

<10 µgm %Repeat per above schedule
10-25 µgm %Repeat, improve environment, give po Fe, which decreases Pb absorption
25-45 µgm %Aggressive rx of environment, po Fe; chelation not effective (Nejm 2001;344:1421, 1470)
45+ µgm %Refer for chelation w succimer

Chelation w (none have been shown to improve neurologic function aside from seizures)