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General Reference

Nejm 1992;326:1196

Pathophys and Cause


Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Fatigue, weakness, sleepiness, nausea/anorexia, constipation, polyuria/dypsia, and volume depletion

Si:Confusion, delirium, drowsiness, coma


Pancreatitis, increased risk of digoxin toxicity

Lab and Xray


Chem:Calcium elevated (Calcium Level, Corrections in Serum for corrections for low proteins) gteq.gif10.5 mg %; sx usually between 11-12 mg %, really toxic over 14 mg %

Noninv:EKG, Short QT interval w normal T wave, segment from QRS to beginning of T shortened



Acute rx for Ca++ >13 mg %, to decrease within hours:

Chronic rx, work over 1-5 d, worth doing even with metastatic cancer since diminishes sx and allows hospital discharge (Ann IM 1990;112:499):