J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2001;9(4):246-52; Clin Sports Med 1992;11:77
Pathophys:Tenosynovitis of tendons in 1st dorsal wrist compartment: one/both of extensor pollicus longus/brevis
Common in occupational setting, throwers, racket sports
Sx:Pain with gripping, lifting, movement of thumb; may have audible squeak
Si:TTP radial side of wrist, pos Finklesteins test (pain with flexion of thumb under clenched fingers with ulnar deviation at wrist)
Gradual or acute onset, usually associated with increase in activities involving wrist motion
May become chronic if untreated
Initially, anti-inflammatory modalities. Immobilize in thumb spica wrist splint. PT necessary to increase strength, ROM after acute inflammation resolved. Surgical synovectomy only in extreme resistant cases