Cause:GI fluid and electrolyte loss rx'd with Mg-free fluids; malnutrition; fistulae; burns; diuretics; cisplatinum-induced renal disease (Ann IM 1981;95:628)
Pathophys:Low Mg inhibits PTH secretion, which in turn causes hypocalcemic si and sx (Nejm 1970;282:61). Alcohol inhibits PTH secretion, thus also contributing (Nejm 1991;324:721)
Associated with large gi fluid losses and malnutrition, eg, w ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis, chronic alcoholics, toxemia of pregnancy, primary hypo- or hyperparathyroidism, primary hyperaldosteronism, thyrotoxicosis, RTA, diuretic phase of ATN
Si:Carpopedal spasm, Chvostek's si, Trousseau's si, delirium, muscle tremor and bizarre movements, convulsions, hypotension
Chem:Mg++ <1.6 mEq/L. Alkaline phosphatase low
Noninv:EKG shows low-voltage and T-wave abnormalities
Rx:40-80 mEq MgSO4 (10 cc of a 50% hydrated soln) iv in 1 L D5S or D 5W over 3 h