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General Reference

(Nejm 2003;348:138; 1993;328:1471; Ann IM 1994;121:1; 1994;120:771; 1990;113:227)

Pathophys and Cause

Pathophys: Systemic inflammatory response (SRS) defined by p >90, respir >20, T° >36-38.0°C, pCO2 <32, WBC >12 000 or <4000; progresses to sepsis, which progresses to septic shock (Jama 1995;273:117). Nitric oxide production may be a mechanism that can be rx'd w inhibitors (Jama 1996;275:1192)


Encephalopathy correllates w severity of sepsis and Glasgow coma scale score (Jama 1996;275:470)

Lab and Xray

Lab:Plasma triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM-1) levels >60 ngm/cc, 96% sens, 89% specif for bacterial/fungal infection (Ann IM 2004;141:9). Pro-calcitonin levels incr w bacterial sepsis, not other acute and/or chronic kinds of inflammation (Jags 2010;58:518)


Rx: of shock, rx with respirator, iv fluids, and antibiotics to cover staph and pseudomonas like 3rd-generation cephalosporin + aminoglycoside (Med Let 1999;41:97); beyond that many treatments have gone through wildly enthusiastic and expensive implementations only to have big doubts raised after several years including: