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General Reference

Nejm 2000;342:1716; 1993;328:1821

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:(Jama 1999;281:811) E. colienterotoxigenic type (50+%), rarely invasive type (E. coli Invasive Diarrhea); Salmonella sp.,campylobacter, rotavirus, et al.

Pathophys:E. colitoxin is produced while the organisms are attached to gut wall much like C. perfringens;heat-labile toxin type is delayed in onset. In the unusual invasive types, colonic wall invasion causes bloody mucus, like shigella


In salads, sewer-contaminated water (Crater Lake epidemics—Ann IM 1977;86:714). Most of acute childhood diarrhea in Brazil (Nejm 1975;293:567)

Signs and Symptoms


Toxin-producing types: clear, watery diarrhea may become bloody later; fever (50%)

Invasive types: bloody mucus, fever in most, pain


Toxin-producing types: sometimes low-grade fever

Invasive types: fever


r/o other gi infections (Diarrhea)

Lab and Xray

Lab:Bact:Stool smear shows polys in invasive types, none in noninvasive types; if polys present, culture for pathogens on sorbitol-MacConkey agar, O157 antiserum test of cultured E. coli(Nejm 1995;333:364)



(Med Let 1994;36:41)

Prevent in travelers w:

of diarrheal sx when traveling, may be the better approach, with: