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This section details the RDW with is a routine part of the Complete Blood Count (CBC) test.

The technical definition is:

RDW = (Standard deviation of red cell volume / MCV) × 100

The practical definition is:

The RDW is a test that indicates degree of variability between RBC sizes. An elevated RDW indicates substantial RBC size variability such as in early iron deficiency anemia where small RBC’s may be produced along with the pre-existing normal sized RBC’s. This will produce an elevated RDW as there is now two populations of RBC’s with different sizes.


The Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) is a statistical function that relates to the variability in the size of RBCs in circulation.

These RDW tests may be indicated for:

Nl Result

Consult your laboratory for their normal ranges as these may vary somewhat from the ones listed below.

RDW normal is 11.5-14.5%

A normal RDW may be found in the following conditions:

I. MCV & RDW Normal

II. MCV Decreased & RDW Normal

III. MCV Increased & RDW Normal

High Result

An elevated RDW (>14.5%) may be found in the following conditions:

I. MCV Normal & RDW Increased

II. MCV Decreased & RDW Increased

III. MCV & RDW Increased

IV. Post Transfusion

Low Result


No significant clinical conditions are associated with decreased RDW.
