GFR - Schwartz (Pediatric)
Age Preemie infant (<1 year old) Term infant (<1 year old) Child 2-12 years Adolescent
unit cm inch
Gender Male Female
Serum Creatinine
unit mg/dL µmol/L
R e s u l t s
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GFR - Schwartz (Pediatric)

Schwartz Formula:

GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) = k (Height) / Serum Creatinine

  • k = Constant
    • k = 0.33 in Preemie Infants
    • k = 0.45 in Term infants to 1 year old
    • k = 0.55 in Children to 13 years
    • k = 0.65 in Adolescent males (Not females because of the presumed increase in male muscle mass. The constant remains .55 for females.)
  • Height in cm
  • Serum Creatinine in mg/dL