HgbA1C to Glucose Converter
unit % Fraction
R e s u l t s
Mean Plasma Glucose
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HgbA1C to Glucose Converter

Information on HgbA1C

  • HgbA1C measures the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood
  • HgbA1C is the standard test for monitoring long term glycemic control for patients with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • The value of HgbA1C reflects the average blood sugar level for the prior 2-3 months
  • Approximately 8% of hemoglobin A is made up of minor components that are chemically slightly different. They include: hemoglobin A1c, A1b, A1a1, and A1a2.
  • Glycosylated hemoglobin is the hemoglobin (Hgb) in the RBC that has become spontaneously bound to glucose, through a nonenzymatic process, during its 120-day circulating life span.

This formula by Rohlfing, et al., allows prediction for HgbA1C from Mean Plasma Glucose (MPG) or vice-versa.

Conventional Units

HgbA1C (%)

Glucose (mg/dL)

HgbA1C (%) = [MPG(mg/dL) + 77.3]/35.6

MPG (mg/dL) = [HgbA1C (%) x 35.6]-77.3

SI Units

HgbA1C (Fraction)

Glucose (mmol/L)

HgbA1C (Fraction) = [MPG(mmol/L)x18 + 77.3]/3560

MPG (mmol/L) = {[HgbA1C (Fraction) x 3560]-77.3}/18


Rohlfing CL, et al. Defining the relationship between plasma glucose and HbA(1c): analysis of glucose profiles and HbA(1c) in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes Care. Feb 2002;25(2):275-8.