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General Reference

Nejm 1993;329:1174

Pathophys and Cause

Cause: Implanted conceptus outside uterine cavity; intraabdominal fertilization

Pathophys:Scarred tubes (rarely uterus) slow transfer, and as a result the blastocyst implants wherever it is on day 6. Chorionic villous trophoblasts perforate basement membrane and muscle layers of tubes. If death of embryo occurs 1st, endometrium is shed and this results in brownish, modest vaginal bleeding; if trophoblast erodes 1st, this results in massive intraperitoneal bleeding


2+% of all pregnancies; 89 000/yr in US, increasing incidence (Mmwr 1995;44:46), multiple reasons including antibiotic rx of PID before sterility results. 95% are tubal; but also can be ovarian, cervical, or abdominal (0.5%)

Post-tubal ligation rate is 1/1000 over 10 yr, higher (30/1000) after electocoag tubals (Nejm 1997;336:762)

Signs and Symptoms


Nearly all in 1st trimester; missed period, although withdrawal bleed may mask; most occur at about 8 wk gestation, earlier for isthmus, later for cornual

Abdominal/pelvic pain similar to menstrual/uterine pains; vaginal bleeding; shoulder pain from diaphragmatic irritation by blood

"Funny period," "funny pain," "funny pregnancy," followed by "syncope in the bathroom"

Si: Abdominal/pelvic mass (present in <50%) and tenderness; cervical tenderness if blood in pelvis; shock


Without surgery, death in 186/102 000 population (Obgyn 1984;64:386)


Shock, surgical sterility

r/o PID, ruptured ovarian corpus luteum or follicle cyst, endometriosis cyst, appendicitis

Lab and Xray


Chem: Serum HCG positive in all, repeat in 48 h, should double in normal pregnancy, decrease if abortion, rise slowly if ectopic. Progesterone level <25 ngm/cc

Urine: Pregnancy test positive in all with ß-HCG >50 U, and 90+% are therefore positive at 1st missed period

Xray: Ultrasound of pelvis w vaginal probe, if see intrauterine pregnancy, then dx is essentially ruled out, although the very rare circumstance of twins with one ectopic does occur



(Nejm 2000;343:1325)

Methotrexate 50 mg/M2 im × 1 (Nejm 1999;341:1974), 91% successful overall, best if HCG <15000 mIU/cc, follow w HCG levels post rx on days 4, 7, and q 1 wk until <15 mIU; usually takes 35 d; or

Laparoscopic salpingostomy

Laparotomy for rupture w hemoperitoneum