Vital Signs: Pulse: Apical & Radial
Prerequisite Skills
Concepts of Communication
Critical Element Criteria
Students must meet criteria of Critical Elements to safely perform the skill based on evidence-based practice. Score can be pass/fail, letter grade, or point assignment. Only acceptable score for Critical Elements is 100%
Critical Elements
- Understanding of the importance and variations that can occur with the pulse assessment.
- Create appropriate physical environment.
- Provide privacy.
- Explain procedure.
- Clean equipment prior to use.
- Wash hands.
Prior to Treatment: (Critical Thinking)
- Gather appropriate physical assessment equipment: stethoscope, 70% alcohol, watch with second hand.
- Consider age related variations for exam.
Patient Interaction: (Safety)
- Patient identifiers.
- Create appropriate physical environment.
- Provide privacy.
- Explain procedure.
- Clean equipment prior to use.
- Wash hands.
Procedure: (Patient Centered Care)
Apical Pulse:
- Assist patient to a supine or sitting position.
- Clean stethoscope with 70% alcohol if not already done.
- Locate apical location 5th intercostal space at the midclavicular line.
- Warm stethoscope in the hands for 10 seconds.
- Use diaphragm over the PMI.
- Count heart rate for 60 seconds noting rate, rhythm, and quality.
- Again clean stethoscope with 70% alcohol.
Radial Pulse:
- Palpate radial pulse.
- Count heart rate for 60 seconds noting rate, rhythm, and quality.
After Procedure (Patient Centered Care, Safety)
- Provide appropriate nursing management for abnormal findings.
Documentation (Informatics, Communication)
- Outcome of assessment.
- Interventions used for nursing management of care.
- Patient"s response to interventions.