Cause:Aspiration, ingestion (Nejm 1992;327:380), or parenteral use of drugs and other haptens, eg, penicillin, anesthetics, radiocontrast agents, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs (Nejm 1994;331:1282); foreign antigens, eg, insect stings (Nejm 1994;331:523) including fire ants (Ann IM 1999;131:424), desensitization shots, semen (Ann IM 1981;94:459), peanuts (Nejm 2003;348:986); polysaccharides, eg, dextran. But sulfa antibiotic allergy does not incr likelihood of sulfa nonantibiotic reaction (Nejm 2003;349:1628)
Pathophys:Respiratory distress due to both upper tract edema and lower tract bronchospasm perhaps due to leukotrienes (Ann IM 1997;127:472), previously called slow reacting substance (SRS). Hypotension due to histamine, kinins, and perhaps leukotriene release. Diarrhea and gi sx may be due to serotonin. Several drug-induced types of reactions are not IgE mediated, eg, those by radiocontrast agents, ACE inhibitors, and NSAIDs (Nejm 1994;331:1282).
Sx:Respiratory distress; vascular collapse; cutaneous rash/itch; gi nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and pain especially if antigen taken po
Si:Upper or lower airway obstruction; vascular collapse; rash
Onset in ½-3 min, die in 15-120 min if going to; recurs in 28% if rechallenged (Ann IM 1993;118:161)
Chem:Serum tryptase increased? (Nejm 1987;316:1622)
Serol:RAST testing, 20% false neg compared to skin testing
Skin tests:Pos test is very specific at 0.1-1 µgm/mL if anaphylaxis truly present (Nejm 1994;331:523); whole insect preparations no use, pure venom very specific. Passive transfer: patient's serum sc to animal or volunteer, challenge at 24 h
Histamine release from basophils in vitro very specific, 20% false neg, expose to 0.1 µgm/mL venom
Preventive options:
For idiopathic anaphylaxis, prednisone 60 mg qd × 1 wk, then qod and decrease to 5-10 mg qod; plus hydroxyzine 25 mg tid helps decrease frequency and severity (Ann IM 1991;114:133)