Cause: Autoimmune
Pathophys: Antibodies to neuromuscular junction acetylcholine receptors (Nejm 1977;296:125); measured antibody doesn't correlate with disease severity; but some patients have more lethal antibody function than others (Nejm 1982;307:769)
Esp in young females, and in males age 65-75 yr; female/male: 3:1 overall.
Associated with:
Precipitated by thyrotoxicosis, muscle-paralyzing anesthesia, antibiotics like streptomycin, etc, quinine (including gin and tonic), quinidine, perhaps Dilantin, procainamide, propranolol
Diplopia and other ocular sx (60%), muscle fatigue with repetitive use
Si: Increased weakness with repeated use, often in extraocular muscles 1st w positive "peek" test (lids open a little after pt asked to close and keep closed), or pharynx; reflexes intact
Prognosis much poorer if thymoma present (Neuro 1966;16:431); remissions during times of stress often, eg, pregnancy
Respiratory failure; transmission to fetus, normalizes within 6 mo as maternal IgG decreases
r/o botulism; Guillain-Barré; polio; ALS; Graves disease; curare poisoning; SNAKE BITE(Nejm 2002;347:347), acetylcholine receptor blockade, rx with edrophonium (Tensilon, etc) (Nejm 1986;315:1444) or, sheep or horse antivenom Fab fragments iv w/i 6 h (Med Let 2001;43:55); EATON-LAMBERT SYNDROME, a similar disease associated with cancer esp of lung and pancreas (Nejm 1989;321:1267) and caused by antibodies to calcium channels responsible for neurotransmitter acetylcholine release (Nejm 1995;332:467)
Noninv:EMG at specialty centers is highly specific but insensitive, shows fatigue with >2/sec stimulation; post-tetanic facilitation present; Tensilon (edrophonium) test can be diagnostic, do double blind with saline, 2 mg then 8 mg iv causes no side effects (tearing, increased sputum, cramps) if myasthenia rather than cholinergic crisis
Serol:Acetylcholine receptor antibody (80% sens in full-blown disease, but only 50% sens if only ocular sx)
Avoid neomycin-like drugs; maintain K+
1st, anticholinergics:
2nd, immunotherapy: