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General Reference

Nejm 1994;330:115

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:(Med Let 1999;41:86) Chlamydia causes over half of mild cases (Ann IM 1981;95:685; Nejm 1980;302:1063) (Chlamydial Atypical Pneumonias and URIs), maybe most; Neisseria gonococcus(15%), anaerobes, mycoplasma. All via sexual intercourse, esp with multiple partners; IUD use previously thought to incr risk (Nejm 1985;312:937, 941, 984), now felt to have minimal effect

Pathophys:Lower genital tract infections ascend cervical canal usually just before or during menses, to tubes and ovaries

Signs and Symptoms

Sx: Pain in lower abdomen, constant or colicky; dyspareunia; dysuria; tenesmus; dysmenorrhea; nausea and vomiting; anorexia

Si:Adnexal mass (20%) and tenderness or pain on cervical motion ("Chandelier si"); fever; cervical discharge


Infertility (15+% with each episode); ectopic pregnancy; pelvic abscess; septic thrombophlebitis; surgical excision of reproductive organs

r/o endometriosis, adenomyosis, ectopic pregnancy

Lab and Xray


Bact: GC culture, chlamydia screens

Hem:WBC elevated; ESR elevated in 1/3; the higher the ESR, the more likely sterility

Noninv:Laparoscopy if dx unclear or improvement slow

Xray:Pelvic ultrasound; CT scan for possible abscess



Prevent w condom use (Am J Pub Hlth 1990;80:964); bcp's help (Jama 1984;251:2553)

Screen asx women for chlamydia if expected prevalence is >7%, reduces PID by 1/2 (Nejm 1996;334:1362); or perhaps all women and maybe men under age 25 yr w PCR techniques (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) (Nejm 1998;339:739, 768)

of disease (Med Let 1999;41:86); pain and tenderness is adequate indication to initiate rx (Mmwr 1993;42:76)

Rx of partners for gc if culture is positive, otherwise just for chlamydia