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Tachycardia; Narrow Complex (Unstable)

Determine Patient Stability

Patient is considered unstable if there is hypotension, poor skin signs, shortness of breath, chest pain, evidence of CHF, or decreased mentation [or any other symptom felt to be caused by the bradycardia].

This protocol is for Narrow QRS lteq0.08 sec

  1. Evaluate ABC's
    • Stabilize Airway/Breathing
    • Apply oxygen
    • Place cardioversion/defibrillation pads
    • Establish IV
    • Monitors (Rhythm, Oximetry, BP)
    • Obtain 12 lead EKG
    • Code cart
  2. Obtain history and perform physical examination and consider causes:
    • Differential diagnosis includes:
      1. Sinus tachycardia
        • Infants usually <220 bpm
        • Children usually <180 bpm
      2. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT )
        • Infants usually gteq220 bpm
        • Children usually gteq 180 bpm
    • Consider Causes
      • Hypovolemia/Hypoxia/Hypothermia
      • Sepsis/Infections
      • Drugs: Cocaine, Amphetamines, Decongestants, Ephedra, Ginseng
      • Metabolic: Thyroid disease, hyper/hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, acidosis, hypoglycemia
      • Pneumothorax or Tamponade
      • Acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolus
      • Cardiomyopathy/Valvular heart disease

  3. 3a) Sinus Tachycardia: Look for underlying cause and treat
    3b) SVT: Proceed to step 4 below
  4. Treatment of SVT
    4a) Vagal maneuvers without delay
    1. Valsalva (blow on obstructed straw)
    2. Unilateral carotid massag
    3. Ice to face

    4b) Adenosine
    4c) Synchronized Cardioversion
  5. Patient in narrow complex tachycardia consistent with SVT, but not resolved with adenosine and vagal maneuvers, but not unstable enough to warrant synchronized cardioversion immediately.
    • Options include antiarrhythmic agents or sedation and cardioversion May utilize EITHER (not both) Amiodarone OR Procainamide
      1. *Amiodarone 5 mg/kg IV (Max 300 mg) over 20-60 minutes [Preferred] OR
      2. Procainamide 15 mg/kg IV over 30-60 minutes.
    * Amiodarone infusion can be repeated to a maximum of 15 mg/kg total cumulative dose if needed.
  6. Standard laboratory evaluation (if indicated):
    • CBC, Electrolytes, TSH, Cardiac enzymes and toxicology testing
    • CXR
    • EKG pre and post conversion (if conversion occurs)
  7. Consultation and admission to hospital if indicated.

Source: Circulation 2005;112. 2005 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC.