Abnormal prolongation or initiation of prolactin production
1/3 are true primary hyperprolactinemia, over half of these are due to micro- or macroadenomas and empty sella syndrome (Ann IM 1986;105:238); the rest are idiopathic including Argonz-Del Castillo syndrome (spontaneous), and postpregnancy (Chiari-Frommel syndrome)
2/3 are secondary types, from: hypothyroidism; renal failure; cirrhosis; hypothalamic disease; and medications like reserpine, phenothiazines, verapamil (Ann IM 1981;95:66), metoclopramide (Ann IM 1983;98:86), and cimetidine (Nejm 1982;306:26)
Pathophys:Hypothyroidism causes the syndrome because TRH itself causes prolactin release. Prolactin inhibits LH secretion and peak, thereby inhibiting menses
in women: amenorrhea (90%) and infertility; may be masked by bc pill use, and therefore present only as galactorrhea; galactorrhea or elicitable lactation
In males, galactorrhea rare, more often impotence and decreased libido (Nejm 1978;299:847); presentation is later, so have higher incidence of hypopituitarism and visual field losses (Ann IM 1986;105:238)
Si:Galactorrhea, ie, any amount of milky substance expressible, no correlation of amount with prolactin level or tumor size
Usually benign, esp the idiopathic or microadenoma types (Ann IM 1984;100:115), although skeletal and cardiovascular consequences of hypogonadism, if present, must be considered
Visual field cuts w macroadenoma (>1 cm), esp during pregnancy, rare w microadenomas (Ann IM 1994;121:473)
Osteoporosis due to low estrogen/androgen levels reversible with rx (Nejm 1986;315:542)
ASHD from hypogonadism (estrogen lack)
Chem:Prolactin >100 ngm/cc is likely adenoma, returns to normal w rx; r/o medication causes of moderate elevations (usually <100 ngm/cc): metoclopramide (Reglan), phenothiazines, butyrophenomes, TCAs, risperidone, MAOIs, verapamil, reserpine, Aldomet
Path:Prolactin-staining microadenoma, but 27% of normals in autopsy series also have? (Nejm 1981;304:156)
Xray:Gadolinium-enhanced MRI (Nejm 1991;324:1555), but 10% false pos in general population (Ann IM 1994;120:817); CT, 15-20% false pos (D. Federman 3/85). Microadenoma = <10 mm diameter, macroadenoma = >10 mm
Pregnancy and nursing risks are small with idiopathic or microadenomas
Medical rx w dopamine agonists like: